Nervous and Nomadic

Hi there! We're two travelers in our late twenties exploring the world together. Welcome to our blog.

Currently recovering from food poisoning. New post up, new photos, more to come shortly. 

Other Contents:

Past Blog Posts

Come read more about our adventures from Oahu to Tokyo, and more!

Reviews and Recommendations

Ratings of various places we’ve been.


A collection of media from all the cool places we’ve been!

Facts Collection

A space for sharing fun facts about the places we’ve visited.

Travel Updates

Updates about where we’ve been and where we are now.

Travel Tips

Advice we’ve gathered through our own trial and error, or from other travelers.

“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.”

Robert Louis Stevenson

About Us

Hello there, we are two young adults who quit our jobs to travel the world for six months. We are on an around the world trip, visiting at least 7 countries. We’re a bit nervous to be doing this, but also very excited. 

Contact Us

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